• CommunicationBluetooth 5.0 (Low Energy), Wi-Fi 2.4-5 GHz
    Product dimensions (W x H x D)68 mm x 68 mm x 14.4 mm
    Bluetooth rangeApproximately 10 m
    Wi-Fi rangeApproximately 10-20 m indoor (variable depending on obstacles and interference)
    • Mobile: bMOTTURA app for iOS and Android operating systems.
    • Desktop: bWEBTECHNOLOGY app for personal computers
    SecuritySupport for WPA/WPA2/WPA3
    CryptographyAES 128-bit
    Access control features
    • Locking and unlocking smart devices remotely
    • Activities log
    • Diagnostics
    • Anti-burglary
    Power supplyUSB-C cable
    SetupPairing from master smartphone
    IntegrationConnection to intercom cables and other extra access points for their management and opening with integrated relay


The bMOTTURA app allows you to remotely control all the smart locks and accessories in the bTECHNOLOGY ecosystem wherever you are.

Here are some of its most important functions:

  • Allows you to generate and manage access codes for B&B with or without a cloud connection;
  • Allows you to change some smart lock settings (lock status, re-keying time, etc);
  • Performs internal diagnostics; 
  • Allows access to the last 1000 events.

Is available in smartphone (bMOTTURA) and PC (bWEBTECHNOLOGY) versions

bMOTTURA app mobile and desktop versionsbMOTTURA app mobile and desktop versions


Download catalogs, brochures, certifications and manuals in pdf format.

bTECHNOLOGY related products and accessories

  • bNOVA Motorized Smart Lock

    Motorized smart lock for armored doors
  • bBLOCK Electronic Lock

    Electronic locks for armored doors
  • bDIGIT Numeric Keypad

    Bluetooth numeric keypad
  • bTRACK Fingerprint Reader

    Bluetooth fingerprint reader
  • bKEY Bluetooth Remote

    Bluetooth remote
  • bOPEN Smart Relay

    Smart relay

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